High throughput analysis of T cell antigen receptor sequences

Documentation for package ‘clonotypeR’ version 1.1.3

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clonotype_table Create a table count of clonotypes or other features.
codon_ids Extra data used to calculate ID numbers in Yassai et al.'s nomenclature.
common_clonotypes Reports clonotypes common between libraries.
common_clonotypes-method Reports clonotypes common between libraries.
is_unproductive Determines if clonotype sequences are productive.
J_before_FGxG Extra data used to calculate ID numbers in Yassai et al.'s nomenclature.
read_clonotypes Reads a clonotype_table and returns a data frame.
unique_clonotypes Lists unique clonotypes in libraries.
V_after_C Extra data used to calculate ID numbers in Yassai et al.'s nomenclature.
yassai_identifier TCR clonotype identifier (Yassai et al.).
yassai_identifier-method TCR clonotype identifier (Yassai et al.).

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