Example analysis

This example analysis assumes a Unix system (Linux, Mac OS, …)

Example data

The data provided on-line in example_data is a sub-sample of three sequence librairies (2,000 reads each) made on the 454 Titanium or the 454 junior platforms. The original libraries will be deposited in public databanks after publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

These example libraries are called A, B and C, and are in FASTQ format, with entries like the following (the sequence was truncated for the convenience of the display).


Detection of V segments

Run the command clonotyper detect A.fastq in the same directory as a copy of the file A.fastq.

The result is stored in a temporary directory called extraction_files, that will be created if it does not already exist.

clonotyper detect compares the sequences to the reference V segments using BWA, and produces output like the following.

[bsw2_aln] read 2000 sequences/pairs (843395 bp)...
[samopen] SAM header is present: 167 sequences.
[main] Version: 0.6.2-r126
[main] CMD: bwa bwasw -t8 /usr/share/clonotypeR/references/V-C/index A.fastq
[main] Real time: 1.099 sec; CPU: 8.225 sec

This indicates that 2,000 reads have been processed, representing 843,395 base pairs in total. There were 167 reference V segments, and the version number of BWA was 0.6.2-r126. The whole process took less than 10 seconds.

Process the example libraries B and C similarly with the commands clonotyper detect B.fastq and clonotyper detect C.fastq.

Extraction of CDR3 regions

Run the command clonotyper extract A in the same directory as where you ran clonotyper detect A.fastq. The result is a table stored in a directory called clonotypes, that will be created if it does not already exist.

The output is quite voluminous, and indicates which V / J combinations are being found, like on the following.

TRAV14-3    233
    TRAJ61  0
    TRAJ60  0
    TRAJ59  0
    TRAJ58  1
    TRAJ57  39
    TRAJ56  2
    TRAJ55  0

The format of the table is explained in the manual page of the function read_clonotypes() of the R package.

For each library (A, B and C), one file is available in the clonotypes directory. With BWA 0.6.2-r126, the following numbers of clonotypes are found.

  1072 clonotypes/A.tsv
   924 clonotypes/B.tsv
   689 clonotypes/C.tsv

The files need to be concatenated before analysis in R, with the following command.

find clonotypes/ -name '*tsv' | xargs cat > clonotypes.tsv

Data analysis in R

Start the R statistical analysis software with the command “R”. The commands entered after this are executed by R.

Load the clonotypeR library: library(clonotypeR)

Load the data in a R object called clonotypes: clonotypes <- read_clonotypes('clonotypes.tsv')

The command summary(clonotypes) already provides useful information.

> summary(clonotypes)
 lib                    V             J            read
 A:1072   TRAV14-1       :944   TRAJ31 : 380   Length:2684
 B: 924   TRAV14-2       :237   TRAJ23 : 270   Class :character
 C: 688   TRAV14-3       :251   TRAJ22 : 257   Mode  :character
          TRAV14D-3/DV8  :242   TRAJ37 : 156
          TRAV14N-1_14D-1:604   TRAJ34 : 141
          TRAV14N-2_14D-2:235   TRAJ40 : 104
          TRAV14N-3      :171   (Other):1376
     dna                qual               pep            unproductive
 Length:2684        Length:2684        Length:2684        Mode :logical
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   FALSE:2130
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   TRUE :554      
                                                          NA's :0

Identify unique clonotypes, count their sequences in the libraries A, B and C, and store the result as a table arbitrarly named abc.

> abc <- clonotype_table(c('A','B','C'))

> head(abc)
                            A B C   
TRAV14-1 AACNNRIF TRAJ31    1 0 0 
TRAV14-1 AAGAKLT TRAJ39     3 0 0 
TRAV14-1 AAGGSWQLI TRAJ22   1 0 0 

> summary(abc)
       A                 B                 C        
 Min.   : 0.0000   Min.   : 0.0000   Min.   :  0.0000  
 1st Qu.: 0.0000   1st Qu.: 0.0000   1st Qu.:  0.0000  
 Median : 0.0000   Median : 0.0000   Median :  0.0000  
 Mean   : 0.7599   Mean   : 0.6606   Mean   :  0.5018  
 3rd Qu.: 1.0000   3rd Qu.: 1.0000   3rd Qu.:  0.0000  
 Max.   :18.0000   Max.   :22.0000   Max.   :121.0000

The summary shows that the most frequent clonotype is in C. Using R index vectors, we can see that its CDR3 sequence is AASDSNNRIF and that it was not found in the other libraries.

> abc[C == 121,]
                                  A B   C 
TRAV14N-1_14D-1 AASDSNNRIF TRAJ31 0 0 121 

The clonotype_table function can also produce a count table for and combination of V, CDR3 or J segments.

> clonotype_table(c('A','B','C'), "V")
                  A   B   C   
TRAV14-1        239 493   0   
TRAV14-2        131  61   0   
TRAV14-3         79   9 113 
TRAV14D-3/DV8   140  50   4   
TRAV14N-1_14D-1  78  24 388 
TRAV14N-2_14D-2  81  61  49  
TRAV14N-3        94  34   2   

> head(clonotype_table(c('A','B','C'), c("V","J")))
                 A  B C  
TRAV14-1 TRAJ11  1  1 0 
TRAV14-1 TRAJ12  2  2 0 
TRAV14-1 TRAJ13  2  1 0 
TRAV14-1 TRAJ15 10 11 0
TRAV14-1 TRAJ16  4  3 0 
TRAV14-1 TRAJ18  1 21 0